Sunday, January 2, 2011

LDAP - Apache Directory Studio: A Basic Tutorial

In this tutorial we will setup a basic LDAP structure containing users and roles. We will be using the excellent Apache Directory Studio IDE. This tutorial will be the basis for our other Spring LDAP integration tutorials.

What is Apache Directory Studio?
The Eclipse based LDAP browser and directory client

Apache Directory Studio is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with ApacheDS. It is an Eclipse RCP application, composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, that can be easily upgraded with additional ones. These plugins can even run within Eclipse itself.

What is LDAP?
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an application protocol for reading and editing directories over an IP network. A directory is an organized set of records. For example, the telephone directory is an alphabetical list of persons and organizations, with each record having an address and phone number. A directory information tree often follows political, geographic, or organizational boundaries. LDAP directories often use Domain Name System (DNS) names for the highest levels. Deeper inside the directory might appear entries for people, departments, teams, printers, and documents.

If this is your first time to LDAP, you might be wondering how is this different from an RDBMS. I suggest my readers to visit the following article Should I Use a Directory, a Database, or Both?

A Brief Background
We have a small startup company named Mojo Enterprises. We have four people, and two of them are admins. Our task is to create a hierarchical structure of our organization using LDAP because we anticipate the eventual growth of the company. We may have hundreds of people from different departments in five years time. Each has their own information and structure. These information and structure will be shared among different applications of the company. LDAP is a good protocol to meet all these requirements.

Layout the Structure
Let's define the important elements of the company.

Company Name: Mojo Enterprises
  • Hugo Williams
  • John Keats
  • John Milton
  • Robert Browning
  • Hugo Williams
  • John Keats
LDAP is a hierarchical tree structure, so our design will be influenced by that.

We need to assign the topmost parent of our structure. Logically, the name of the company fits that requirement. We'll pick the name mojo as the topmost parent.

Under the mojo we will assign our members. There are many ways to organize our members. We can organize them by gender, by job function, and etc. For this tutorial we'll organize them based on identity and roles. We'll put all the identities of each person in a separate element, while the roles will be placed on another element.

Under the roles we have two sub-divisions. Remember we have the regular users and the admins. What we'll do is divide the roles into elements.

Here's how our structure would like:
 |    |
 |    |--admin
 |    |--regular
We'll make the names a little bit formal, and make it conform with the naming convention of LDAP. For the topmost parent, we'll retain mojo. For roles, we'll use groups instead. For identities, we'll use users

When we're done with this tutorial, we should have the following structure:
It's really simple to do. All you need is an Apache Directory Studio, this tutorial, and patience.

Install the Apache Directory Studio
Before we can do any LDAP-related work, we need to have an IDE first. Although it's not required, we'll require it for this tutorial. And why not? It's free anyway.

To install the Apache Directory Studio, visit the following link Follow the instructions on that link
for the installation steps.

Create a New Server
Once you have installed the studio, we need to create a server. Here are the steps:

1. Open Apache Directory Studio.

3. Go to File, and click New. A popup window will open.

4. Expand the Apache DS folder, and select the Apache DS Server

5. Click Next.

6. Type-in any name for the server. For example, apache-ds-server

7. Click Finish.

8. A new server has been added on your Servers panel.
If you can't see the Servers panel, go the menu bar then click Window > Show View > Apache DS > Servers

9. Select your server, then click the Run button.
Your server should now be running.

Create a Connection
To browse the contents of the server, we need to create a connection. Here are the steps:

1. Right-click on your server.

2. Select LDAP Browser

3. Select Create a Connection. An alert message will popup indicating the a new connection has been created.

4. Go to the Connections panel.
If you can't see the Connections panel, go the menu bar then click Window > Show View > LDAP Browser > Connections

5. Double-click the name of the new connection you've created earlier.

6. The LDAP Browser panel should refresh and show the contents of the server.
Notice the topmost entry of this server is DIT, followed by the Root DSE.

7. Expand the Root DSE folder. There are two sub-entries: ou=schema and ou=system.
These are partitions in the server. Do not modify them unless you know what you're doing.

Create a New Partition
To add our company to the root tree, we need to create a new partition. Everything related to the company will be attached to this new partition. Here are the steps:

1. Go to the Servers panel, and right-click your server.

2. Select Open Configuration. A server.xml editor will appear on the main panel.

3. At the bottom part of server.xml, there are five tabs. Click the Partitions tab.
The Partitions tab should appear.

4. Click on Add and enter the following details for this new partition.

ID: mojo
Cache Size: 100
Suffix: o=mojo

5. Save your changes (CTRL + S). A new partition has been added.

6. Restart your Apache DS server.

7. Refresh the LDAP Browser panel.

8. Click on the Root DSE folder. A new editor will open containing the details of this folder.
Notice the namingContexts attribute. The namingContexts o=mojo shows in the lists. However it doesn't show under the Root DSE tree because we need to add the organization manually in the tree.

Add the Parent Organization
Our company is an organization. In LDAP, to represent a company we use the organization object which is represented by the alias o. So if our company's name is mojo, the Distinguished Name (dn) of the company is o=mojo. It's a naming convention. (The Distinguished Name is like the primary key or primary identity).

To create the organization object, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click on the Root DSE folder. Select New. Select New Context Entry

2. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next. The Object classes window will appear.

3. Find the organization object. Select it then click Add

4. Click Next. Now you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn). Click on the pulldown menu. Select o=mojo.

5. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.

6. Click Finish. Notice the new partition now appears under the Root DSE.

Add the Organizational Units
Earlier we mentioned we'll structure our company based on users (contains personal information of the user) and groups (contains the authorization level of each person).
Both of these represent an organizational unit.

In LDAP, to represent an organizational unit we use the organizationalUnit object which is represented by the alias ou. So if we have a unit name users, the Distinguished Name (dn) is ou=users,o=mojo. Why is there an o=mojo? It's a naming convention. The same convention applies to groups. The Distinguished Name (dn) is ou=users,o=mojo. This can be likened the way we name URLS. For example, or

We'll add first the users unit. Here are the steps:
1. Go to the LDAP Browser panel. Expand the Root DSE folder.

2. Right-click the o=mojo entry. Select New. Select New Entry.
The Entry Creation Method window will appear.

3. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next. The Object Classes window will appear.

4. Find the organizationalUnit object. Select it then click Add.

5. Click Next. Now you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn).
The Parent field should read o=mojo.

On the RDN field enter ou. On the value field enter users. The DN Preview should read ou=users,o=mojo

6. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.

7. Click Finish. We've just created the ou=users organizational unit.

Add the Second Organizational Units
We've just added the ou=users organizational unit. We need to add the organizational unit for groups as well. We'll follow the same steps.

1. Go to the LDAP Browser panel. Expand the Root DSE folder.

2. Right-click the o=mojo entry. Select New. Select New Entry.
The Entry Creation Method window will appear.

3. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next. The Object Classes window will appear.

4. Find the organizationalUnit object. Select it then click Add.

5. Click Next. Now you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn).
The Parent field should read o=mojo.

On the RDN field enter ou. On the value field enter groups. The DN Preview should read ou=groups,o=mojo

6. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.

7. Click Finish. We've just created the ou=groups organizational unit.

Add the Staff
Now we need to add our four people:
  • Hugo Williams
  • John Keats
  • John Milton
  • Robert Browning
  • Hugo Williams
  • John Keats
We'll place their personal information under the ou=users; whereas we'll place their authorization levels under the ou=groups.

Let's start with the ou=users. We'll be adding four persons. We'll represent each person using the inetOrgPerson object.

What's an inetOrgPerson object?
The inetOrgPerson object class is a general purpose object class that
holds attributes about people. The attributes it holds were chosen
to accommodate information requirements found in typical Internet and
Intranet directory service deployments.
An inetOrgPerson can contain a user id (uid) and password (userPassword) which will be useful later for authenticating users from using LDAP.

Here are the steps we need to do:
1. Go to the LDAP Browser panel. Expand the Root DSE folder.

2. Expand the o=mojo entry.

3. Right-click the ou=users entry. Select New. Select New Entry.
The Entry Creation Method window will appear.

4. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next. The Object Classes window will appear.

5. Find inetOrgPerson object. Select it then click Add.

6. Click Next. Now you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn).
The Parent field should read ou=users,o=mojo.

On the RDN field enter cn. On the value field enter Hugo Williams.
The DN Preview should read cn=Hugo Williams,ou=users,o=mojo (cn represent Common Name).

7. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.

8. Under the sn attribute, enter Williams (sn stands for Surname)

9. We need to add a username for this user. Right-click on the same window. Select New Attribute. The Attribute Type window will appear.

10. On the Attribute type field, enter uid. This will serve as the username of the person.

11. Click Next, then click Finish.

12. You're back on the Attributes window. On the uid attribute value, enter hwilliams

13. We need to add a password for this user. Right-click on the same window. Select New Attribute. The Attribute Type window will appear.

14. On the Attribute type field, enter userPassword. This will serve as the password of the person.

15. Click Next, then click Finish.

16. You will be asked to enter a password. Enter pass as the new password. Make sure that the Select Hash Method is set to Plaintext

17. Click OK.

A new entry has been added under the ou=users. The new entry is cn=Hugo Williams.

Now we need to add the remaining three users. In order to do that, just repeat the same steps earlier. Here are the details of the three remaining users.
Name: John Keats
uid: jkeats
userPassword: pass

Name: John Milton
uid: jmilton
userPassword: pass

Name: Robert Browning
uid: rbrowning
userPassword: pass
Add the Authorization Levels
We have added the personal information, as well as the usernames and passwords, for each person under the ou=users. Now, we will be adding the authorization level for each of these persons.

We'll add them under ou=groups. We'll use the groupOfUniqueNames object to represent each role.

Let's add the User role first.
1. Go to the LDAP Browser panel. Expand the Root DSE folder.

2. Expand the o=mojo entry.

3. Right-click the ou=groups entry. Select New. Select New Entry.
The Entry Creation Method window will appear.

4. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next. The Object Classes window will appear.

5. Find the groupOfUniqueNames object. Select it then click Add.

6. Click Next. Now you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn).
The Parent field should read ou=groups,o=mojo.

On the RDN field enter cn. On the value field enter User
The DN Preview should read cn=User,ou=groups,o=mojo

8. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.

Notice there's a uniqueMember attribute. We'll be placing the Distinguished Name (dn) of our users in this entry. One uniqueMember attribute will represents one user. This means we need to add three more uniqueMember attributes for a total of four uniqueMember attributes.

9. Right-click on the same window. Select New Attribute. The Attribute Type window will appear.

10. On the Attribute type field, enter uniqueMember.

11. Click Next, then click Finish.

12. We're back on the Attributes window. We need to add two more uniqueMembers (for a total of four uniqueMembers). Repeat the same steps for adding an attribute.

13. Now we need to fill-in the values for these attributes. In each entry add the dn of each user. Here are the Distinguished Name for each user.
cn=Hugo Williams,ou=users,o=mojo
cn=John Keats,ou=users,o=mojo
cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo
cn=Robert Browning,ou=users,o=mojo

14. Click Finish when you're done.

A new entry has been added under the ou=groups. The new entry is cn=User

Now we need another entry for the Admin role. We'll repeat the same steps.
1. Go to the LDAP Browser panel. Expand the Root DSE folder.

2. Expand the o=mojo entry.

3. Right-click the ou=groups entry. Select New. Select New Entry.
The Entry Creation Method window will appear.

4. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next. The Object Classes window will appear.

5. Find the groupOfUniqueNames object. Select it then click Add.

6. Click Next. Now you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn).
The Parent field should read ou=groups,o=mojo.

On the RDN field enter cn. On the value field enter Admin
The DN Preview should read cn=Admin,ou=groups,o=mojo

7. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.

Notice there's a uniqueMember attribute. We'll be placing the Distinguished Name (dn) of our users in this entry. One uniqueMember attribute will represent one user. This means we need to add one more uniqueMember attributes for a total of two uniqueMember attributes.

8. Right-click on the same window. Select New Attribute. The Attribute Type window will appear.

9. On the Attribute type field, enter uniqueMember.

10. Click Next, then click Finish.

11. We're back on the Attributes window. We need to add one more uniqueMembers (for a total of two uniqueMembers). Repeat the same steps for adding an attribute.

12. Now we need to fill-in the values for these attributes. In each entry add the dn of each user. Here are the Distinguished Name for each user.
cn=Hugo Williams,ou=users,o=mojo
cn=John Keats,ou=users,o=mojo

13. Click Finish when you're done.

A new entry has been added under the ou=groups. The new entry is cn=Admin

Here's the final structure:

Exporting the Data
If you need to backup your data or replicate the information in your LDAP, you can export the data. When the data is exported, it's saved in LDIF format. This format is actually a human-readable file. Here's the LDIF for this tutorial:
version: 1

dn: o=mojo
objectClass: organization
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
o: mojo

dn: ou=users,o=mojo
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: users

dn: ou=groups,o=mojo
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: groups

dn: cn=User,ou=groups,o=mojo
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
cn: User
uniqueMember: cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo
uniqueMember: cn=Robert Browning,ou=users,o=mojo
uniqueMember: cn=Hugo Williams,ou=users,o=mojo
uniqueMember: cn=John Keats,ou=users,o=mojo

dn: cn=Admin,ou=groups,o=mojo
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: top
cn: Admin
uniqueMember: cn=Hugo Williams,ou=users,o=mojo
uniqueMember: cn=John Keats,ou=users,o=mojo

dn: cn=Robert Browning,ou=users,o=mojo
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: Robert Browning
sn: Browning
uid: rbrowning
userPassword:: cGFzcw==

dn: cn=John Keats,ou=users,o=mojo
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: John Keats
sn: Keats
uid: jkeats
userPassword:: cGFzcw==

dn: cn=Hugo Williams,ou=users,o=mojo
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: Hugo Williams
sn: Williams
uid: hwilliams
userPassword:: cGFzcw==

dn: cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: John Milton
sn: Milton
uid: jmilton
userPassword:: cGFzcw==
That's it. We've managed to setup our basic LDAP structure using Apache Directory Studio. We've also covered some of the popular LDAP objects.
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  1. Great tutorial, thank you very much

  2. Helped me very much, thanks!

  3. Very helpful tutorial. Thanks for sharing.

  4. It helped me a lot..... thanks!!!

  5. very helpful. thanks for your effort in writing this!

  6. This is a very well written article. Thank you for taking to time to contribute this!

  7. My only question here would be:
    What is the password of the connection that was created?

  8. Nevermind, found a good resource that has that information:

    Just search for default bind password.


  9. Good way to start handling data from an LDAP repository with dummy values. Thanks!

  10. this is da best LDAP tutorial ever !

    thx a lot that help me v v much.

  11. Typo under Add the Organizational Units:
    You said:

    The same convention applies to groups. The Distinguished Name (dn) is ou=users,o=mojo.

    I think you meant:
    The same convention applies to groups. The Distinguished Name (dn) is ou=groups,o=mojo.

  12. great tutorial..............

    after creating different user can we authenticate user based on password and email id.......

  13. I liked this tutorial - It opened my eyes.

    I liked it so much that I went back to the top to add another organization, but when I did, I got an error. I can't add another organization?

  14. Very much thankful to you, Nicely created start up


  15. Thanks, A Million
    You really help me.

  16. Exactly what I needed !

    Mozart Brocchini

  17. Just wanted to say thank you for all the great tutorials. Your tutorials were the only ones (out of many I walked through) that actually helped me understand and successfully implement my own variation. Thanks!

  18. Really good!Nice job

  19. One of the most simple and effective tutorial i have ever found on web for setting up Apache DS. Great job, keep it up. By the way, would it be possible to extend this tutorial or write up another tutorial to configure with tomcat server.


  20. Greate tutorial.nothing to say.Thanks a lot

  21. Thanks it is good material.

  22. Great Help for the LDAP learners,For me its more than great.Many thanks dear..

  23. Fantastic getting started tutorial, much appreciated

  24. what's after this ??
    how to authenticate the user now ... i mean where we need to modify the code to authenticate the user on login screen ??

    1. Same question. I can't log in with the users I've created through LDAP. I can only log in with ADMIN/ADMIN

  25. @Anonymous, have you checked the Tutorials section? This guide isn't meant to do any authentication. It's just for setting-up LDAP visually with Apache Directory Studio. Nothing more, nothing less. Try looking at the following guides:

  26. Thank you so much. This is the best tutorial that I had ever found on internet. Simple, Easy and Effective. Wonder of Thanks!!!!

    Fahad Sheikh

  27. Thanks man! You saved my time. I was really struggling to add the organization at root level. That Partition thing did the trick for me. Your blog surpasses the apache documentation!

  28. Thanks alot, this helps me to understand in deeper the ldap.
    Good job !

  29. thank you this is helpful

  30. Nice tutorial, thanks. Was totally newbie to Directory service and LDAP, but now I can handle it.

  31. I really appreciate you work, it is helped me a lot. Nice post.

  32. Excelente Tutorial!!! Saludos desde Chile!!!

  33. Nice tutorial.
    If I want to modify the structure of the tree then is how to do this apacheDS?

  34. Thank you very much man... really helpful

  35. Great tutorial! like all the other ones!. Do you know something about to synchronize apacheDS with a user table in Oracle?

  36. an LDAP tutorial can't get better than this! Thanks a lot.

  37. Excellent tutorial.. there are very few resources for LDAP beginners and this is the only one I was able to understand and follow. I have successfully used pGina on my Windows machines for testing, and I can authenticate to ApacheDS.. But the users are not added to any groups on the machines, so I really can't do anything.

    Is there something I'm missing? or do I need to add anything to my configuration to tell Windows what Group each user should be a member of ?

    Thanks !

  38. Thanks a lot...!!!!! made my work less cumbersome... :)

  39. Hi Krams,
    When i am restarting the apache -ds-server then it is not starting again please give a suggestion and please send the complete example with jar files.
    i have read your blogs and follow your blogs but when i stop the apche-ds-server and again starts the server then it is not start.
    And when i an trying to add manually "Root DSE tree because we need to add the organization manually in the tree" then error is coming on on LDAP Browser.

    #!CONNECTION ldap://localhost:10389
    #!DATE 2012-06-17T18:19:01.332
    #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 50 - INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS: failed for Modify Request Object : '' Modification[0] Operation : delete Modification namingContexts: ou=schema Modification[1] Operation : add Modification namingContexts: ou=mojo : ERR_17 The rootDSE cannot be modified!]
    changetype: modify
    delete: namingContexts
    namingContexts: ou=schema
    add: namingContexts
    namingContexts: ou=mojo


  40. Fantastic tutorial - thanks kindly. A suggestion for a follow-up: Setting up access controls in ApacheDS

  41. extending on the comment above, specifically, how do you add access controls to allow users to change only their own password, and allow admin group members to change anything?

  42. It saved my life!!!

  43. I needed to get a quick LDAP directory up and running in order to test some Grails code. The Apache documentation seemed to be leaving out some key points, so I did another search and found this. Easy and complete! Thanks for your excellent work.

  44. After playing with this stuff for two days, it's nice to see a tutorial written in plain English! Thank you!

  45. This is my first time working with LDAP. I found this tutorial very helpful to understand core of LDAP. Thanks!!

  46. Very helpful my first time also!! Thank you a lot!!

  47. Thanks a lot for shared a good article in the serious world !!

  48. Thank you very much. It is very helpful.

  49. Thanks a bunch. Great article!

  50. Thanks a lot.... Helped me a lot.

  51. Just an FYI - the instructions here do not seem to work correctly with ApacheDS 2.0. For some reason the default configuration of ApacheDS has changed such that it is not possible to add an organization at the top level. Apache Directory Studio will report a error when attempting to add an objectClass of organization to the root DSE.

  52. Excellent Tutorial Very Neatly explained

  53. Muy buen tutorial muchas gracias!!!
    from Uruguay :D

  54. Hi,
    I have 2 queries. Please can help or direct me regarding these: We are currently using WSO2 4.0 M8. We created some users and were using Apache Studio to view the Apache DS schema embedded in the WSO2 identity server
    We were able to see the user details, claims, uid etc. But, we are not able to see the gid (POSIX GID - Group id).
    And we were not able to add it as a new attribute as it is not displayed in the attribute Type list (drop down box). But the Schema Browser tab shows gidNumber attribute type in it.

    We want to view the GiDs of the users. Please do tell us a way to add gid as a new attribute so I can view the user’s Gid.

    2. Furthermore I also want to add PAM as an "ou" and use PAM for authentication and Mapping LDAP users to Linux user groups how can I go about this.
    Thanks in advance.

  55. Very good tutorial.. I like to thank the contributor for sharing his knowledge..

  56. pls help me to add new user to apache DS through java code

  57. Very well presented.

  58. This articles help a lot!! Tx a million!!

  59. Simplest of all. Did it even if I donno anything of ldap...
    Thank you.

  60. This post was really helpful. Thanks

  61. This tutorial was helpful...

    Thanks a lot


  62. Really nice tutorial man... thank you!! You made me avoid to read extense official documentation :D

  63. Thanks you for the tutorial. It was really helpful and informative

  64. Man you are Rock! . I am using Apache client API in Java to connect to DS for my Security system Authentication system. It uses Active Directory and Apache DS. This way I can create/modify/edit Users, GROUPs and OUs, easily form my front end in human readable format. I have to emulate this steps in Java using API. Thank you so much for putting this simple tutorial.


  66. Hi Krams,

    I'm also facing the same problem as no apacheds server option available in apache directory studio v2.0

  67. Nice tutorial! Thank you!

  68. Thank you sir !! Very well explained !

  69. Thanks Krams,
    It Really helped me .

  70. Thanks for tutorial krams

  71. Great Stuff. Thanks a lot

  72. Nice tutorial for starters to get familiar with LDAP. Thanks Dude.

  73. Very helpful, thank you

  74. Hi... Thanks for this great tutorial. Now i have setup LDAP server in my machine. If want to search these directory items, how to do? I am not able to search the content from some other PC!!!

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  76. Congratulations for a really well done job.
    Thank you.

  77. very nice tutorial..really helpful for beginners

  78. Truly an awesome and amazing tutorial. Was super confused until I saw this tutorial. Thank you!

  79. Hi,I'm new to LDAP and I need to create a structure which involves the relations of the database. I want to have a key associated with each attribute of the relation.In this case,which ContextEntry should I be using to specify the (attribute,key) pair.Thank you!!

  80. Simple and clear explanation, Thanks for your tutorial.

  81. Excellent tutorial for the beginners. helped me a lot to understand the core definitions thanks :)

  82. Very good tutorial, helped me a lot !Thanks man.

  83. cant we create "o=mojo" directly using java. not with UI.

  84. Can some one tell me that how can i add user's access permissions in ApacheDS 2.0.0 through java code..

  85. if someone want to start with ldap.start from here

  86. great tutorial .It helped me to understand the basic stuff about LDAP

  87. Great Tutorial ... Thanks a Lot.. :-)

  88. Well done! Thank you.

  89. thank you so much! save my ass!

  90. Its such an amazing tutorial. I replicated whatever you have taught.Thanks a lot. This tutorial had been quiet helpful

  91. Introduction
    LDAP - Overview
    A brief History of LDAP - LDAP Overview - LDAP vs. Database - LDAP Usage Summary
    LDAP Data (Object) Model - Object Tree Structure - Attributes - Object Classes
    Employees to learn at their own pace and maintain control of learning “where, when and how” with boundless access 24/7by 21st Century Software Solutions. ---- Call Us +919000444287

  92. In step 4, I don't see 'Apache DS Server' as an option. Only Apache DS 2.0 Configuration File and Apache DS Configuration FIle. How to create a server?

    1. I had the same issue, here is how I did it:

      There is a "Servers" panel on the bottom left corner of your screen, next to the "Connections" panel. You can create an LDAP server by clicking on the "New server" button.

    2. I had the same problem, and this solution solved it.

  93. hey how do you include email addresses for the users?

    1. Hi , You can add "mail" attribute the users

  94. Hi,

    What version of apacheDS did you used on this tutorial?
    What's the difference of using 2.0 M17?


  95. This is very useful article.Thanks for sharing.I tried this and it is working well.
    I have two queries ..
    1)What is the difference between "GroupOfUniqueNames" and "GroupOfNames"?I chose "groupOfNames" .Will there be an impact?
    2)In this article,you have explained how to create groups and add members to it.Could you also let us know how to give authorisation level to groups?Such as ReadGroup should be only able to Read and RWGroup should be able to Read and Write.

  96. This is really awesome.... not even a single question raised while following the steps.. some pictures are missing ( not a big problem though ) ...

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  98. Well structured. Many thanks.

  99. Nice Article,very helpful - Many Thanks

  100. Thanks Lot , Great work

  101. thank you so much, excellent

  102. Very good tutorial, thanks a lot.

  103. Thanks for this excellent tutorial. Very good job.

  104. Thank you very well written article . But I am not able to go beyond Add the Authorization Levels as the error I get is " the connection is read only " Where to change the settings?

  105. thanks for such a nice article.
    I have a question to ask:
    Can we add specific time or inactive for users?

  106. Thank you very much. you saved my time.

  107. love it keep up the good work mlg

  108. Thank you very much!!!

  109. Any way to lock or disable user account.

  110. Awesome tutuorial.. Very Helpful in setting up a localhost LDAP server

  111. can some please explain the steps to create groups with posixGroup object class...

  112. thanks for your help....

  113. Good piece of information and put up together very nicely.


  114. This is fabulous. For the newest version (2.0.0) there were some minor changes. I've added those to my blog.

  115. Thanks for the post. It really helped me i spent lot of time in getting this kind of information on internet

  116. Thanks For your help. Can anybody help me to understand Enable/Disable user account in ApacheDS?

  117. Thank you for your effort. This is wonderful..

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  120. I tried to create ldif structure manually years back, it was very complex. This blog is superb, thanks for the detailed explanation.

  121. Hi,

    Is there any way to sync with Active Directory? I don´t mean a connections to query, list or modify objects in AD.
    What I really need is sync with AD (have the AD Database in ApacheDS) and also have a configuration that let´s synchronization happens went there is a change in AD.
    Thanks in advance

  122. Thanks alots for clear understand..

  123. We have a small startup company named Mojo Enterprises. We have four people, and two of them are admins. Our task is to create a hierarchical structure of our organization using LDAP because we anticipate the eventual growth of the company.

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