Monday, June 18, 2012

Email with Spring and SendGrid (Part 2)


In the previous section, we have laid down the functional specs of the application . In this section, we will demonstrate how to sign-up with SendGrid's email service. This is required so that we can integrate with their service.


SendGrid manually approves each account. It takes almost a day before they can approve your account. If it takes longer, I suggest sending an email to their tech support.

1. Go to SendGrid's page at

2. Click on "Pricing" and scroll-down.

3. At the bottom portion of the page, there's a link to the "Free Plan". Click it.

4. The account creation page is displayed. Fill-in the details. Then submit your application. Remember your username and password here. These will be your API username and key.

5. You will be redirected to the "Get Started" page. Complete all the required actions. Notice your account is on provision. It might take a day for it to be approved.

Account Completion
Once your account has been provisioned, visit your SendGrid account page

SendGrid API

SendGrid offers numerous APIs to allow developers to fully integrate with their service. They have the following APIs:
  • Customer Subuser API
  • Event API
  • Parse API
  • Web API
  • Reseller API
  • Newsletter API

We will focus on the Mail module, which is under the Web API. Please see for the complete documentation.

To test the Mail module, you can either use your browser or CURL (if you're familiar with it).

Browser-based test:

CURL-based test:
curl -d ' Subject&text=testingtextbody&'

But how do we use the Web API via Java and Spring? We will discuss that on the next section. But to satisfy your inquisitive minds, here's a preview:


In the next section, we will start writing the Java classes and discuss the SendGrid API. Click here to proceed.


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