In this article we will explore how to integrate MySQL, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ in a Spring MVC application using Spring Data JPA, Spring Data MongoDB, and Spring AMQP projects respectively. Then we'll add AJAX in the presentation layer using jQuery. For presenting tabular data, we will explore two jQuery plugins: DataTables and jQgrid. The jQgrid version will use Spring Cache support to boost performance. The ultimate purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to integrate these different projects in a single Spring MVC application.Our application is a simple event management system for performing CRUD operations. When we talk of events, we're referring to the colloquial definition, i.e wedding event. The application's main data will be stored in a MySQL database using Hibernate as our ORM. We will use Spring Data JPA to simplify the data access layer. This means we don't need to implement our own data access objects.
Our application is also capable of broadcasting these events as simple text messages. To broadcast these events, we will use RabbitMQ as our messaging broker, and Spring AMQP for sending and receiving of messages.
No application is free from errors. Therefore, we've added error persistence capability using MongoDB. Our application has logging capabilities already, but we want the ability to analyze these errors later. Therefore, this is where MongoDB plays in. To simplify the data access layer, we will use Spring Data MongoDB, similar with Spring Data JPA.
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Q: What is JPA?
A: See - Q: What is MongoDB?
A: See - Q: What is RabbitMQ?
A: See - Q: What is Spring Data?
A: See - Q: What is Spring Data - JPA?
A: See - Q: What is Spring Data - MongoDB?
A: See - Q: What is Spring AMQP?
A: See - Q: What is jQuery?
A: - Q: What is AJAX?
A: - Q: What is Ehcache?
Required Tools and Services
The following tools and services are essential in building and running our project:- MySQL The application's main data will be stored in MySQL. If you don't have one yet, download and install one by visiting the MySQL home page, or use a pre-packaged setup via XAMPP or Wamp.
- MySQL:
- Wamp:
- RabbitMQ We will publish and listen for messages using RabbitMQ. If you don't have one yet, download and install one by visiting the RabbitMQ home page.
- MongoDB We will persist errors using MongoDB. If you don't have one yet, download and install one by visiting the MongoDB home page.
- Maven We will use Maven to build our project. If you don't have one yet, download and install one by visiting the Maven home page. You can also use SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), an Eclipse-powered IDE, which has Maven pre-installed.
- Maven:
- STS:
Before we dive into development, it's better if we first visualize what we will be developing.Live Deployment in the Cloud
The best way to interact with the application is with a live deployment. Therefore, I have taken extra steps to deploy the project in the cloud via the excellent open platform Cloud Foundry. To access the project, visit Structure
To see how we're going to structure the project, take a look at the following screenshot:The project's source code is available at GitHub. You can access the project's repository at spring-mysql-mongo-rabbit-integration
Project Dependencies (pom.xml)
The pom.xml contains the project's dependencies. It's a long list but I will only show the relevant entries. As of Sept 17 2011, we're using the latest versions.What is POM?
POM stands for "Project Object Model". It is an XML representation of a Maven project held in a file named pom.xml. See
To see the pom's entire contents, please check the attached Maven project at the end of this tutorial.
The project will be divided into four parts:- Event Management
- Messaging support
- Error persistence
- Build and deploy
A. Event Management
The Event Management is the core function of the system. And we're specifically referring to the CRUD operations. We will divide this stage in four sub-parts:- Event Management
- A1. Domain
- A2. Service
- A3. Controller
- A4. View
- DataTables view
- jQgrid view
- A5. Crosscutting Concerns
A1. Domain
The domain contains a simple Event class. By marking it with @Entity the class will be persisted in a relational database. Notice the class has validation constraints added. For example, the name field cannot be null.Special attention is given to the date field. We've annotated it with @DateTimeFormat, a Spring conversion annotation (see Spring Reference Format Annotation API) to help us serialize and deserialize JSON dates in the presentation layer.
A2. Service
Before we start developing the service layer we need to create first the data access objects (DAOs) manually. We do this for every new project. Through time it becomes repetitive and tedious. Gladly, Spring has a solution: the Spring Data project.Spring Data's purpose is to provide us ready-made data access objects for various database sources. All we need to do is extend an interface and we're good to go. This means we can start writing the service immediately (if needed).
Spring Data is not a single project, but rather it's composed of many different projects specifically catering to different types of databases (see Since we're using MySQL and Hibernate we will use the Spring Data JPA project.
A3. Controller
We have a single controller, EventController, whose main purpose is to display the Event page. It also has methods for handling CRUD operations that are ultimately delegated to the
A4. View
I've provided two views for displaying Event records: a DataTables version and a jQgrid version. The purpose of having two views is to demonstrate Spring's flexibility and teach various ways of presenting tabular data.To proceed, please choose your preferred view (a specific guide will be presented):
JMeter Test
The main difference between these two views are the addition of cache to the jQgrid controller. To appreciate the difference, I've provided JMeter tests to gauge each controller's performance. Take note that this tests have nothing to do with the DataTables or jQgrid plugin. The tests are written so that it will only query the controllers without generating the presentation layer.Small dataset (9 records):
Large dataset (4300+ records):
Notice in small datasets the difference in performance is almost trivial. However, in large datasets the difference is phenomenal. Adding a cache greatly improves the application's performance (of course this assumes that the same request will be called multiple times).
Click here to download the JMeter Test. To run this test, make sure to run only one test, i.e do the DataTables first, then the jQgrid, or vice versa.
What is JMeter?
Apache JMeter is open source software, a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. Source:
A5. Crosscutting Concerns
As mentioned earlier, no application is free from errors. To facilitate troubleshooting, a logging mechanism needs to be added. Typically we would place the logging mechanism across our existing classes. This is a crosscutting concern.What is a crosscutting concern?
In computer science, cross-cutting concerns are aspects of a program which affect other concerns. These concerns often cannot be cleanly decomposed from the rest of the system in both the design and implementation, and can result in either scattering (code duplication), tangling (significant dependencies between systems), or both.
For instance, if writing an application for handling medical records, the bookkeeping and indexing of such records is a core concern, while logging a history of changes to the record database or user database, or an authentication system, would be cross-cutting concerns since they touch more parts of the program. See
To implement a clean way of logging our application, we will take advantage of Spring's CustomizableTraceInterceptor support as seen in the Spring Data JPA reference (Appendix B. Frequently asked questions).
By default CustomizableTraceInterceptor uses trace level for logging. If we want to change the logging level, we need to extend this class and override the writeToLog() method. We have created a sub-class TraceInterceptor and change the logging level to debug
After creating the class, we declare it as a bean in the XML configuration. Notice we've configured the entry and exit signature patterns and the pointcut expressions to match. In other words, this will log all services and specific controllers.
Next Section
In the next section, we will add messaging support using RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP. To proceed to the next section, click here.
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