Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spring Batch Tutorial (Part 1)

In this tutorial, we will create a simple Spring Batch application to demonstrate how to process a series of jobs where the primary purpose is to import a lists of comma-delimited and fixed-length records. In addition, we will add a web interface using Spring MVC to teach how to trigger jobs manually, and so that we can visually inspect the imported records. In the data layer, we will use JPA, Hibernate, and MySQL.


  • Spring core 3.1.0.RELEASE
  • Spring Batch 2.1.8.RELEASE
  • See pom.xml for details


To access the source code, please visit the project's Github repository (click here)

Functional Specs

Before we start, let's define the application's specs as follows:
  • Import a list of comma-delimited records
  • Import a list of fixed-length records
  • Import a list of mixed-type records
  • Jobs must be triggered using a web interface
  • Display the imported records in a web interface
  • Each record represents a user and its associated access levels

Here's our Use Case diagram:
[User]-(Import job1)
[User]-(Import job2) 
[User]-(Import job3) 
[User]-(View records)

The CSV Files

To visualize what we want to do, let's examine first the files that we plan to import:

User Files

This file contains comma-separated value (CSV) records representing User records. Each line has the following tokens: username, first name, last name, password.

This file contains fixed-length records representing User records. Each line has the following tokens: username(positions 1-5), first name(6-9), last name(10-16), password(17-25).

This file contains comma-separated value and fixed-length records representing User records. Each line has the following tokens: username, first name, last name, password.

This file contains two types of CSV-records:
  • DELIMITED-RECORD-A: uses the standard comma delimiter
  • DELIMITED-RECORD-B: uses | delimiter

It also contains two types of fixed-length records:
  • FIXED-RECORD-A: username(16-20), first name(21-25), last name(26-31), password(32-40)
  • FIXED-RECORD-B: username(16-21), first name(22-27), last name(28-33), password(35-42)

Role Files

This file contains comma-separated value (CSV) records representing Role records. Each line has the following tokens: username and access level.

This file contains fixed-length records representing Role records. Each line has the following tokens: username and access level.

This file contains comma-separated value (CSV) records representing Role records. Each line has the following tokens: username and access level.

By now you should have a basic idea of the file formats that we will be importing. You must realize that all we want to do is import these files and display them on a web interface.


Here's the Class diagram:
# Cool UML Diagram
[User|id;firstName;lastName;username;password;role{bg:orange}]1--1> [Role|id;role{bg:green}]

Here's the Activity Diagram:

(start)->import->success->(Show Success Alert)->|a|->(end),
fail->(Show Fail Alert)->|a|,
view->(Show Records)->|a|->(end)


Let's preview how the application will look like after it's finished. This is also a good way to clarify further the application's specs.

Entry page
The entry page is the primary page that users will see. It contains a table showing user records and four buttons for adding, editing, deleting, and reloading data. All interactions will happen in this page.

Entry page


In the next section, we will write the Java classes. Click here to proceed.
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  1. Very good introduction.


  2. Great intro,
    Thanking you

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